Friday, May 25, 2012

Ceramic Bowl

Ceramic Bowls

This week in art we made ceramic bowls. The way we did it is to smooth out the clay, then roll it really thin, cut out a design for the edges, then put it onto a bowl so it keeps it's shape. I liked this project because I love working with clay. I love how you can make anything with it. My design was a flower and I painted the bottom piece to look like the center of a flower. After the bowl was taken out of the kiln, we used glaze on it to make it shiny. The final piece looked awesome. I would definitely do this project again.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Frog Tongue Photoshop

                                                                       Frog Tongue

Today in art, we made a lady with a frog tongue. To do this we used photoshop. We took a picture of a frog and a picture of a womans mouth and them, using multiple steps, blended them together to look like she had a frog for a tongue.

Thursday, May 10, 2012



The assignment for this project was to draw what we saw in front of us. My display consisted of a vase with flowers in it, a pear, a teapot, and some glass bottles all up against a shutter.  We had to use at least 3 colors in each piece. I liked this project because you can blend the colors together. The thing I didn't like about the project is that the pastel got all over everything.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Glowstick Art

Glowstick Art

I really enjoyed this project, mostly because it was something different than what we normally do. The way it works is that the camera lens is open for about 8 seconds and it captures everything you draw with the glowstick in that time. We drew some people getting shot, someone smoking, and someone shooting a basketball.

Clay Monsters

Clay Monsters for Kindergarteners

We got to sculpt little monsters for some kindergarteners. They drew us a monster and we had to try and understand what they had drawn, then we made our own sketch of it. Then we sculpted it out of clay. My monster was named Molly. She kind of looked like a chocolate chip cookie. The computer animation class made boxes and "displays" for them. They called her the Dark Lord of Hugs. I don't really know why. She is happy!

Perspective Photos

                                                                    Perspective Pictures

I thought this project was really cool. The way you do it is by standing far away from an object then posing to look like you are standing on it, pushing it over, or doing something else to it. It was fun because i got to squish a car and hold up one of my friends. I think I will continue doing this project when I see good opportunities because it is fun and can look really cool.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Perspective Building

This is my perspective drawing. The assignment was to pick a picture of a building and then complete the building. Mine was hard to draw because there are SO many bricks on this building. There are lots of other details to like the lamp post and the fence. I didn't even attempt to draw the balcony though. This was a fun project because I learned how to draw more realistically.